Friday, 7 September 2012

How To Repair The Cell Phone Dropped In Water

Though the mobile phones are planned to withstand little amount of moisture, but large amount of water can affect the screens of the mobile phones as well as the circuit boards. It only takes a second, you make some hasty moves like grabbing of any item or shuffling for something in the shelf or in your pocket, and your mobile phone can drop into the toilet or sink from the shelf or from your pocket. Though in most of the cases people grab the mobile phones out of water, but in case of toilet, some hesitation work to yank the phone out. As a result, in majority of the cases, the cell phones do not work or loses the basic functional activities. So, if your mobile phone falls in the toilet or in the pool, you can fix it immediately by following some simple steps.
But before you panic, there is some steps which you can take to fix the performance of the cellphone dropped in the water. These tips are quite handy solutions to get the cell phones back in their earlier performances. But don't try to turn on the mobile phone immediately after retrieving it back from the water. Read along the tips to know more.
  • Remove the SIM card and the battery of your mobile phone immediately. Pat these things dry and set aside to dry completely. Don't ever use any heating element or blow dryer to dry the cellphone battery.
  • Some people also say that placing the cell phone in the dry white rice for overnight period can help to remove the excess amount of water. Put the battery in a separate container of rice to make it dry if you still find it wet.
  • Use some kind of vacuum attachment or paper towel to remove maximum moisture from the cell phone
  • Reassemble the parts and switch the cell phone on after 3-4 days to ensure that all the parts are completely dry. If the phone does not work after that period too, take it to an expert.


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